Is It Easy to Break Contract in Jet Program

After JET Guide

This page provides JET participants who are completing their appointment on the JET Programme with useful information and advice for preparing to leave Japan, as well as information about finding a job and pursuing higher education.

After JET Checklist

The last few months of your appointment on the JET Programme are likely to be very busy. Between cleaning your apartment, packing your belongings, planning your next career move, and saying goodbye to your coworkers, students, and friends, you might feel at a loss as to where and when to start your preparations. This checklist provides reminders regarding the technical aspects of leaving your current position and place of residence.

2-3 Months Before

  • Inform your Landlord that you will be moving

    Even if you do not know your exact day of departure yet, it is wise to inform your landlord as soon as possible that you plan to move. Depending on your contract with your landlord, you may be required to inform your landlord up to two months in advance of your departure.

  • Check your status of Residence
  • Ship Belongings to your New Residence

    Research the options available to you, such as surface mail, economy air, and airmail. Keep in mind that slower but more economical forms of shipping by sea and surface mail can take 2-3 months for the packages to arrive at their destination.

  • Complete the 'After JET Contact Information Survey'

    At the beginning of June (or February, for participants finishing in March), CLAIR collects contact information from JET Programme participants completing their appointments on the JET Programme to assist them in maintaining connections with Japan and the JET Programme. You may also send your contact information to JET Alumni Associations (JETAA).

1-2 Months Before

  • Preparing for your Successor

    While many JET Programme participants make efforts to contact their successors via email or social media, it is wise to leave detailed information regarding your work responsibilities and living situation in written form as there is no guarantee that you will be able to obtain your successor's name or contact information. CLAIR provides a format for leaving notes to your successor on p. 207-211 of the 2021 Edition of the General Information Handbook.

    Sort through the items at your desk and make sure any important documents or reference materials are organised and labeled and properly.

  • Begin your Pension Refund Procedures

    To receive a partial refund of your pension, you must obtain the necessary forms and designate a tax agent before leaving Japan . See p. 169-175 of the 2021 Edition of the General Information Handbook as well as the information below.

1 Month Before

  • Obtain a Certificate of Employment and/or Reference Letters

    Your contracting organisation can provide you with a Certificate of Employment (在職証明書) that proves you were a JET Programme participant and outlines the content of your work. For a detailed description of your work duties and job performance, ask a coworker, boss, or supervisor to write a reference letter for you. CLAIR cannot provide participants with either reference letters or certificates of employment , so it is wise to obtain both while you are still in Japan. Your contracting supervisor can find templates of both documents online at the JET Programme website; samples of templates are provided below.

    Sample Reference Letters①

    Sample Reference Letters②

    Sample Certificate of Employment

  • Forward your Mail to your New Residence (for participants staying in Japan)

    If you are moving to a new address in Japan, you may apply online or at a post office to have your mail forwarded from your current address to your new address for one year from a designated date.

  • Pay Other Bills and Cancel Utilities and Services

    Be sure to pay the following utility and service bills and inform the utility or service provider when you would like the service canceled. Please note that while some services can be cancelled online or over the phone, cancelling your cell phone often requires you to visit the store in person to cancel your contract.

    Gas Electricity Water
    TV (NHK, etc.) Credit Card Internet
    Car Insurance Local Residence Tax Cell phone
    Any other services registered to your bank account or credit card
  • Dispose of your Car or Motorcycle

    Disposing of your car or selling it to another individual requires filing the appropriate paperwork. See p. 127-129 of the 2021 Edition of the General Information Handbook for details regarding buying and selling vehicles.

Pension Refund


The following has been produced for JET Programme Participants from information taken from the websites of the Japanese Pension Service and The Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan. CLAIR is not affiliated with either organisation in any way, and the information provided here is intended for reference only. Therefore, CLAIR assumes no responsibility for any damage (including financial losses) that occur from the information (or lack there of) provided here.

In this section, you may find information about Lump-sum withdrawal payments, for which all JET Programme participants who stayed 6 months or more in Japan may apply. However, in accepting the lump-sum withdrawal payment, the coverage period in Japan used for the purpose of future pension payment calculations will be reduced to zero. Please consider future benefit possibilities before making this crucial decision about your payments. To find information about the other benefit options available, please visit the websites of Japanese Pension Service or The Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan.

Japanese Pension Service:

The Promotion and Mutual Aid Corporation for Private Schools of Japan:

JET Programme Participant

1) Submit Address Change Report (tenshutsu todoke) to local municipal office

1) Available at local municipal office

2) Obtain Application for the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments (dattai ichijikin seikyusho)

2) Download from:

(For Private School ALTs)

3) Designate tax representative by submitting Declaration Naming a Person to Administer Taxpayer's Tax Affairs (shotokuzei/shohizei no n ozei kanrinin no todokedesho) to local tax office

3) Available at local tax office or:

Example form

4) Submit completed application to Japan Pension Service

5) Receive lump-sum withdrawal payment in bank account

6) Send Notice on Payment of the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment (Entitlement) (dattai ichijikin shiky u kettei tsuchisho) to tax representative

4) Application must contain:

-Pension Book

-Photocopy of passport pages showing:

*Date of final departure from Japan

*Name, birth date, nationality, signature, resident status

-Document verifying bank information

-You may apply while still in Japan (without a stamp of final departure from Japan on your passport) if you have proof of submitting a moving-out notification (juminhyo no johyou). In this case, please submit this juminhyo no johyou with the above forms.

After JET Receives Lump-sum Payment (Tax Representative)

7) After receiving Notice of the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payment, apply for tax refund (kakutei shinkokusho) at local tax office

8) Receive tax refund in Japanese bank account

9) Send tax refund to JET Programme participant

7) Available at local tax office

For enquiries regarding application status (have your basic pension number available):

Japan Pension Service

  • Call (Japanese): 03-6700-1165
  • Write (Japanese/English): 3-5-24, Takaido Nishi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 168-8505, JAPAN

Private School Teachers & Employees' MAA

  • Call (Japanese/English): 03-3813-5321
  • Write (Japanese/English): 1-7-5, Yushima, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8441, JAPAN

Reverse Culture Shock

For information about coping strategies for reverse culture shock, please refer to p.177 of the 2021 Edition of the General Information Handbook and the After JET Guide PDF below. You may also find advice from a JET alumna in the essay 'From JET to JET Alumni; Like Climbing Mount Fuji A Second Time' below.

≫Reverse Culture Shock (General Information Handbook)

≫Reverse Culture Shock and Re-entry (After JET Guide)

≫From JET to JET Alumni; Like Climbing Mount Fuji A Second Time

Post-JET Employment

For JET Programme participants and alumni looking to make the next step in their career, CLAIR provides opportunities for networking with alumni, learning about the occupations and job fields in which alumni are active, meeting with organisations interested in hiring JET Programme participants, and exploring ways to utilise one's experience on the Programme in one's career. To learn more, please visit the Career Support webpage. You can also find useful advice from JET alumni in the After JET Guide PDF below, as well as in the JET alumni newsletter 'JET Streams'.

≫Career Support

≫Post-JET Employment (After JET Guide)

≫JET Streams Summer 2017: Beyond JET

≫JET Streams Winter 2018: Beyond JET

≫JET Streams Spring 2019: Beyond JET

Further Education

For advice about further education after JET, please refer to the After JET Guide PDF below. You may also find advice from a JET alumna in the essay 'From Teacher to Student: Making the Decision to Pursue an Advanced Degree' below.

≫Further Education (After JET Guide)

≫From Teacher to Student: Making the Decision to Pursue an Advanced Degree

*CLAIR forbids the unauthorised reproduction (copying, uploading, displaying, etc.) of any of the contents displayed on this website for commercial purposes. In addition, CLAIR requests that you refrain from any unauthorised use of the contents on this website outside the scope designated by copyright law.

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